Sunshine Windows is committed to the safety of our team members and customers. As such, we have put into place the following precautions. You can also find a copy of this document listed on our website.
At Sunshine Windows, our goal is to make every customer's day shine a little brighter. We are happy to let you know that we are open and ready to help you "let the sunshine in".
Sunshine windows is operating in accordance with recommendations from the CDC, and is following new Cal/OSHA guidelines.
What we are doing to protect you:
Our team members are required to stay home if feeling sick.
Each member of our team is screened daily. This includes
Temperature checks
Daily health survey
Compliance log
All of our team members have undergone COVID 19 Safety Training. This includes
Encouraging team members to wash their hands for at least 20 seconds often throughout the day.
Each Team Member carries hand sanitizer in their vehicle and sanitizes before and after visiting customers
Team members are reminded to avoid touching their face, eyes, nose, and mouth.
Team members are to observe distancing protocols.
All Team members are supplied facial coverings which they are required to wear while on customer visits.
All Sunshine Window Vehicles are equipped with shoe coverings and gloves that we will wear upon request.
All towels are laundered using the warmest water setting and are being dried completely.
Free Estimates can be provided either in person or virtually with no contact required.
Here is how you can help keep our team safe:
If you or anyone in your household is is feeling sick, has a temperature or has had any known exposure to COVID 19, please contact us prior to your appointment. We will be happy to reschedule your appointment for a later time.
To allow for better social distancing, you can call ahead 909- 981-7406 and supply us with with a credit card for contact free payment processing.
If you prefer to have only the outside of your facility cleaned, please let us know in advance by e-mailing us or calling us at 909-981-7406